Khazarshahr Tourist - Babolsar

Babolsar Khazarshahr Tourist Complex

Km 6 of Babolsar to Fereidonkenar Road, Mazandaran, Iran ,

Babolsar Khazarshahr Tourist Complex


Located on the scenic Babolsar to Fereidonkenar road, the three-star Khazarshahr Tourist Complex is a nice place for those who wish to stay on the sidelines of the Caspian Sea in the beautiful northern Iran and having a nice accommodation in the midst of nature with fantastic climate.


The complex fulfill the needs of its guests in a very comfortable place with satisfying facilities ranging from nice villas with various capacities to surrounding green areas which provide a great place for taking a walk, sitting on benches, and getting relaxed. Also, it includes a dining hall serving delicious foods and drinks that overlooks the outdoor environment making the place more enjoyable.

Surrounding Attractions:

The complex is convenient enough for guests to get to the amazing shores of the Caspian Sea, fishing area, boat-riding pier, forest park and shopping centers making them have a great and pleasant time.

29 users have given scores
Score 3.79 out of 5

Hotel Policy

Check-in From 14:00
Check-out Until 12:00
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  Map Complex Khazarshahr Tourist

Checking hotel booking date

Saturday , Jul 27 , 2024

Sunday , Jul 28 , 2024

1 Adult

Book now to get this fantastic rate. If you book later, there’s a chance the rate will go up or the hotel will be sold out.
Best Price Guarantee
1 Change room
Max capacity :
6 person

No price
Max capacity :
6 person

No price
Max capacity :
4 person

No price
Hotel Facility

Hotel Facility

Green Space
Children Playground , Tennis Course
Business Center , Laundry , Reception Hall , 24-Hour Room Service
General Room
Food Warming , Refrigerator , Tea Maker , TV , Telephone
Food & Drink
Minibar , Restaurant
Similar Hotels
hotel distance to attractions
hotel distance to attractions
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