Morvarid Sadra - Behshahr

Behshahr Morvarid Sadra Beach Hotel

35th km of Zaghmarz to Powerplanet Road, Behshahr, Mazandaran, Iran,

Behshahr Morvarid Sadra Beach Hotel


For those who visit the northern city of Behshahr and seek to have a pleasant accommodation in a relaxing atmosphere in front of the sea and near the beach, the four-star Morvarid Sadra beach hotel is a suitable choice with complete facilities and services.


It is the first coastal hotel in the Mazandaran province with a fine façade, providing terrific moments for visitors through fully equipped rooms, suites and villas as well as satisfying welfare and recreational facilities including a restaurant, a coastal café, a conference hall, a reception hall and a private lake for boating (pedal boats) and skiing.

 Surrounding Attractions:

The hotel is within a short distance to the fantastic Ashouradeh Island, Miankaleh Wildlife Sanctuary and Wetland and the wreckage of a ship, making it a convenient place for guests to visit the beautiful tourist sites.

18 users have given scores
Score 3.67 out of 5

Hotel Policy

Check-in From 14:00
Check-out Until 14:00
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  Map Beach Hotel Morvarid Sadra

Checking hotel booking date

Saturday , Jul 27 , 2024

Sunday , Jul 28 , 2024

1 Adult

Book now to get this fantastic rate. If you book later, there’s a chance the rate will go up or the hotel will be sold out.
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Hotel Facility

Hotel Facility

Languages spoken
Free Wireless Internet (Inside room, Inside Lobby) , Cafenet
Private Beach Area , Green Space , Outdoor Coffeeshop , Coastal Bowers
Fitness Center , Children Playground , Sea Recreational Equipment (Pedal Boats)
24-Hour Room Service , Laundry , Conference Hall , Meeting Room , Reception Hall , Medical Services
General Room
Refrigerator , TV , Telephone
Food & Drink
Restaurant , Minibar , Cafe
Safe , Elevator , Air Conditioning , Fire Alarm , Central Antenna , Powerswitch
Facilities for the Disabled
Entrance Ramp , Moving Wheelchair into room , Moving Wheelchair into WC , Wheelchair
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hotel distance to attractions
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