Bekhradi - Esfahan

Esfahan Bekhradi Traditional Hotel

Sonbolestan St., Abdo al-Razagh St., Isfahan, Iran,

Isfahan Bekhradi Traditional Hotel


If you set out to visit the city of Isfahan and wish to stay in a traditional space, you should put the Bekhradi traditional hotel in your choosing list. The four-star reconstructed hotel is a 400-year Safavid historical building in an old neighborhood, making guests feel how life was like in the past.


The hotel is equipped with rooms and suites having front porches which overlook the nice yard area with modern facilities and offers suitable and satisfying services in a traditional decoration. Also, guests can have relaxing moments in the restaurant and traditional teahouse.

Surrounding Attractions:

Located in the old part of Isfahan close to the city center, the hotel is within a short distance to the grand bazaar and the famous historical sites including Naghshe Jahan Square and Si-o-Se Pol bridge.
3 users have given scores
Score 3.33 out of 5

Hotel Policy

Check-in From 14:00
Check-out Until 12:00
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Checking hotel booking date

Saturday , Jul 27 , 2024

Sunday , Jul 28 , 2024

1 Adult

Book now to get this fantastic rate. If you book later, there’s a chance the rate will go up or the hotel will be sold out.
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Hotel Facility

Hotel Facility

Free Wireless Internet (Inside room, Inside Lobby)
24-Hour Room Service , Laundry , Meeting Room , Reception Hall , Taxi Service
General Room
Refrigerator , TV , Telephone
Food & Drink
Safe , Air Conditioning
Languages spoken
Similar Hotels
hotel distance to attractions
hotel distance to attractions
  • distance to Naqsh-e Jahan Square : 979 km and 2 meters 9 minutes drive

  • distance to Qeysariyeh Bazaar : 966 km and 2 meters 9 minutes drive

  • distance to Hasht Behest Palace : 700 km and 2 meters 9 minutes drive

  • distance to Ali Qapu Palace : 151 km and 3 meters 11 minutes drive

  • distance to Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque : 214 km and 3 meters 11 minutes drive

  • distance to Imam Mosque : 312 km and 3 meters 12 minutes drive

  • distance to Si-o-Se Pol Bridge : 585 km and 3 meters 12 minutes drive

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