Safir - Esfahan

Esfahan Safir Hotel

Amadegah Street, Isfahan, Iran,

Isfahan Safir Hotel


The four-star Safir hotel in the historical city of Isfahan is a great place for those who wish to have a fantastic accommodation near the tourist sites and major shopping centers with complete facilities. The attractive, modern and renovated hotel adapted to the needs of guests and according to the latest international standards is attracting tourists and travelers, offering a memorable stay.


By providing a modern space with suitable amanities, the luxurious hotel has created a pleasant space for accommodation. It includes various rooms and suites with tiled floors, a decent amount of space and double-glazed windows, a top-floor restaurant, a nice café, and a swimming pool, making it one of the most visited hotels where guests can have a relaxing time.

Surrounding Attractions:

Being in an excellent location in the city center on the side of the famous Chaharbagh Street, the hotel is near major historical and tourist sites of Isfahan including Madreseh-e Chahar Bagh (Four-garden School), the traditional art bazaar of Isfahan, Abbasi Complex, and within a short distance of the eye-catching Zayendehrud River.

399 users have given scores
Score 4.2 out of 5

Hotel Policy

Check-in From 14:00
Check-out Until 12:00
42 Dollar 38 Dollar Price for 1 night
  Checking hotel booking date
  Map Hotel Safir
Since most hotels have not announced their Nowruz 2017 prices yet but it is possible to book them; therefore, the prices announced for Nowruz are provisional and in case of raising prices, passengers have to pay the difference before checking in. Also, due to the special conditions of Nowruz bookings, it is impossible to change or cancel any reservations after they are made definite.

Checking hotel booking date

Saturday , Jul 27 , 2024

Sunday , Jul 28 , 2024

1 Adult

Book now to get this fantastic rate. If you book later, there’s a chance the rate will go up or the hotel will be sold out.
Best Price Guarantee
1 Change room
Double Room for One Person
Max capacity :
1 person
42 Dollar 38 Dollar Price for 1 night
11 % Save
Max capacity :
2 person

No price
Twin Room
Max capacity :
2 person

No price
Max capacity :
2 person
65 Dollar 48 Dollar Price for 1 night
28 % Save
Triple Room
Max capacity :
3 person

No price
Max capacity :
4 person ، 1 extra beds
111 Dollar 80 Dollar Price for 1 night
29 % Save
Hotel Facility

Hotel Facility

Free Wireless Internet (Inside room, Inside Lobby) , Cafenet
Parking (Capacity for 30 Cars)
Languages spoken
English , French
Fitness Center , Swimming Pool , Sauna , Jacuzzi , Gamenet Hall , Traditional Bathhouse
24-Hour Room Service , Laundry , Conference Hall , Meeting Room , Reception Hall , Taxi Service , Medical Services
General Room
Refrigerator , TV , Telephone
Food & Drink
Restaurant , Minibar , Cafe
Safe , Elevator , Air Conditioning , Fire Alarm , Central Antenna , Powerswitch
Similar Hotels
hotel distance to attractions
hotel distance to attractions
  • distance to Chaharbagh School : 292 meters 4 minutes walking

  • distance to Hasht Behest Palace : 591 meters 7 minutes walking

  • distance to Chehel Sotun Palace : 180 km and 1 meters 3 minutes drive

  • distance to Ali Qapu Palace : 115 km and 1 meters 14 minutes walking

  • distance to Imam Mosque : 106 km and 1 meters 14 minutes walking

  • distance to Si-o-Se Pol Bridge : 149 km and 1 meters 14 minutes walking

  • distance to Juei Bridge : 804 km and 1 meters 5 minutes drive

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