Barandaz - Jandaq

Jandaq Barandaz Hostel

Jandaq, Isfahan, Iran,

Jandaq Barandaz Hostel


The Barandaz traditional hostel known as Tabatabaei House is located in the Farahzad village, in Jandaq County, Isfahan Province. It is a nice accommodation reconstructed with traditional architecture, wooden doors, and mud walls reminding guests of the past life.


Here, one can feel deeply relaxed and refreshed in the rooms with suitable facilities after spending a night under the starry sky and enjoying a suitable and memorable stay at the heart of the desert at a budget price.

Surrounding Attractions:

Flanked by sand dunes and being close to the fabulous Mesr village, canebrake, palm grove, and salt lake are of the main characteristics of the place making it wonderful for nature lovers and those who would like to go on an off-road trip, observe stars, ride camels, and feel the tranquility of desert.
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Hotel Policy

Check-in From 14:00
Check-out Until 12:00
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Saturday , Jul 27 , 2024

Sunday , Jul 28 , 2024

1 Adult

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