Darvishi Royal - Mashhad

Mashhad Darvishi Royal Hotel

Between Imam Reza 24 & 26, Imam Reza St., Mashhad, Iran,

Mashhad Darvishi Royal Hotel


Located adjacent to the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS), the five-star Darvishi royal hotel is a leading choice for the affluent who seek to stay in a sumptuous place and to have a fantastic accommodation in the city of Mashhad.


The 25-floor hotel with fully equipped room types of royal, special, and standard is the tallest accommodation building and the first atrium hotel in Iran with unique glass facade which can be called the best hotel in the city of Mashhad.

Roof garden with exceptional landscape, traditional shopping center, various Iranian and European restaurants, fast food and coffee shop, and aquatic complex offering services such as pool, sauna, jacuzzi in a luxurious and stylish space are among the best and most modern facilities of the hotel, making the hotel even more attractive and pleasant.

Surrounding Attractions:

Those who stay here can easily make pilgrimage to Imam Reza shrine, go sightseeing to Nader tomb, and go shopping to Reza bazaar and Arman recreational complex, getting memorable souvenirs and having a great time.

2 users have given scores
Score 5 out of 5

Hotel Policy

Check-in From 14:00
Check-out Until 12:00
107 Dollar Price for 1 night
  Checking hotel booking date
  Map Hotel Darvishi Royal

Checking hotel booking date

Saturday , Jul 27 , 2024

Sunday , Jul 28 , 2024

1 Adult

Book now to get this fantastic rate. If you book later, there’s a chance the rate will go up or the hotel will be sold out.
Best Price Guarantee
1 Change room
Max capacity :
1 person

No price
Max capacity :
2 person
229 Dollar Price for 1 night
Four-Bedroom Apartment
Max capacity :
3 person
107 Dollar Price for 1 night
Max capacity :
4 person
200 Dollar Price for 1 night
Max capacity :
1 person

No price
Max capacity :
2 person

No price
Max capacity :
3 person
121 Dollar Price for 1 night
Max capacity :
4 person ، 1 extra beds

No price
Spa Room
Max capacity :
3 person
128 Dollar Price for 1 night
Max capacity :
2 person ، 2 extra beds

No price
Max capacity :
2 person
157 Dollar Price for 1 night
Max capacity :
3 person

No price
Max capacity :
2 person ، 2 extra beds

No price
Max capacity :
2 person

No price
Max capacity :
4 person

No price
Max capacity :
4 person ، 3 extra beds

No price
Max capacity :
2 person ، 1 extra beds

No price
Max capacity :
2 person

No price
Max capacity :
2 person ، 1 extra beds

No price
Hotel Facility

Hotel Facility

Free Wireless Internet (Inside room, Inside Lobby) , Cafenet
Parking (Capacity for 150 Cars)
Green Space in the roof garden , Roof garden restaurant in a relaxing space and a nice view serves tasty foods
Fitness Center , Spa , Swimming Pool , Sauna (Steam, Dry) , Jacuzzi , Children Playground , Turkish Bathroom , Taking photo with Qajari costume
General Room
Refrigerator , TV , Telephone , Tea Maker , WC (Flush Toilet) , Bathroom
Hotel Amenities
Building Management System
Food & Drink
Breakfast Hall , Cafe , Minibar , Roof garden, Atrium, Firozeh Italian, Arghavan, Berkeh Restaurants
Safe , Elevator , Air Conditioning , Fire Alarm , Central Antenna , Powerswitch
Facilities for the Disabled
Entrance Ramp
24-Hour Room Service , Business Center , ATM , Laundry , Beauty Salon for men and women , Conference Hall , Meeting Room , Reception Hall , Taxi Service , Transfer to Airport , Airport Transfer
Languages spoken
English , Arabic
Similar Hotels
hotel distance to attractions
hotel distance to attractions
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