Sasan - Shiraz

Shiraz Sasan Hotel

Anvari St., Zand St., Shiraz, Iran,

Shiraz Sasan Hotel


If you travel to the city of Shiraz, the land of Cyrus the Great and seek to have a pleasant and comfortable accommodation with suitable facilities and equipment at a low cost, you should choose the two-star Sasan hotel.


Here, guests can get relaxed in the rooms and suites with satisfying amenities, enjoy eating tasty foods in the nice restaurant, and take time off in the café drinking a variety of beverages in a relaxing atmosphere.

Surrounding Attractions:

Situated in the city center, the hotel is within a short distance from the historical and tourist attractions such as Zandieh complex and Hafezieh as well as shopping centers, making guests be convenient to reach city sites.
2 users have given scores
Score 3.5 out of 5

Hotel Policy

Check-in From 14:00
Check-out Until 14:00
13 Dollar Price for 1 night
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Checking hotel booking date

Saturday , Jul 27 , 2024

Sunday , Jul 28 , 2024

1 Adult

Book now to get this fantastic rate. If you book later, there’s a chance the rate will go up or the hotel will be sold out.
Best Price Guarantee
1 Change room
Single Room
Max capacity :
1 person
13 Dollar Price for 1 night
Double Room
Max capacity :
2 person ، 1 extra beds
20 Dollar Price for 1 night
Twin Room
Max capacity :
2 person ، 1 extra beds
20 Dollar Price for 1 night
Triple Room
Max capacity :
3 person ، 2 extra beds
27 Dollar Price for 1 night
Double Suite
Max capacity :
2 person ، 2 extra beds
31 Dollar Price for 1 night
Quadruple Suite
Max capacity :
4 person
44 Dollar Price for 1 night
Hotel Facility

Hotel Facility

Free Wireless Internet (Inside room, Inside Lobby) , Cafenet
Alarm Clock
24-Hour Room Service , ATM , Taxi Service
General Room
Refrigerator , LED TV , Telephone , Satellite Channels , WC (Flush Toilet) , Bathroom
Food & Drink
Safe , Elevator , Air Conditioning , Fire Alarm , Central Antenna , Powerswitch
Similar Hotels
hotel distance to attractions
hotel distance to attractions
  • distance to Pars Museum : 911 meters 11 minutes walking

  • distance to Vakil Bazaar : 162 km and 1 meters 15 minutes walking

  • distance to Karim Khan Citadel : 931 meters 12 minutes walking

  • distance to Shiraz Jame Mosque : 864 km and 1 meters 6 minutes drive

  • distance to Jahan Nama Garden : 268 km and 3 meters 10 minutes drive

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