Grand - Tehran

Tehran Grand Hotel

Vali Asr and Motahari St. Crossroad, Tehran, Iran,

Tehran Grand Hotel

The four-star Tehran Grand Hotel is located in the city center of Tehran and in the best commercial and recreational district and near to shopping centers, 45 minutes from Imam Khomeini International Airport and 20 minutes from Mehrabad domestic Airport. As one of the best choices for business and working trips, the fully-equipped Tehran Grand Hotel is ready to host guests and travelers with its complete facilities and quality services along with conference halls, restaurant and traditional dining room performing live music. The hotel’s coffee shop with hot and cold beverages at the lobby provides the perfect place to socialize in a friendly atmosphere. The hotel commits itself towards exceeding guest expectation and ensuring total dedication to conserve environment by continually and enthusiastically creating awareness through education and participation of team members, guests and the community.
794 users have given scores
Score 4.5 out of 5

Hotel Policy

Check-in From 14:00
Check-out Until 14:00
98 Dollar Price for 1 night
  Checking hotel booking date
  Map Hotel Grand

Checking hotel booking date

Saturday , Jul 27 , 2024

Sunday , Jul 28 , 2024

1 Adult

Book now to get this fantastic rate. If you book later, there’s a chance the rate will go up or the hotel will be sold out.
Best Price Guarantee
1 Change room
Single Room
Max capacity :
1 person
98 Dollar Price for 1 night
Twin Room
Max capacity :
2 person ، 1 extra beds
124 Dollar Price for 1 night
Single King Room
Max capacity :
1 person
107 Dollar Price for 1 night
King Room
Max capacity :
2 person ، 1 extra beds
137 Dollar Price for 1 night
Max capacity :
2 person
137 Dollar Price for 1 night
Hotel Facility

Hotel Facility

Free (Wireless Internet (Inside room, inside lobby , Cafenet
Alarm Clock
Parking (Capacity for 80Cars)
Fitness Center , Swimming Pool (For Men) , Sauna , Jacuzzi
24-Hour Room Service , Laundry , Barbery , Conference Hall , Meeting Room , Reception Hall , Taxi Service , Smoking Room
General Room
Refrigerator , TV , Telephone
Food & Drink
Restaurant , Minibar , Cafe
Safe , Air Conditioning , Fire Alarm , Central Antenna
Facilities for the Disabled
Entrance Ramp , Moving Wheelchair into room , Wheelchair , Moving Wheelchair into WC
Languages spoken
Similar Hotels
hotel distance to attractions
hotel distance to attractions
  • distance to Abgineh Museum : 452 km and 4 meters 11 minutes drive

  • distance to Museum of Contemporary Arts : 965 km and 3 meters 12 minutes drive

  • distance to Reza Abbasi Museum : 932 km and 5 meters 12 minutes drive

  • distance to Carpet Museum of Iran : 368 km and 4 meters 13 minutes drive

  • distance to Golestan Palace : 742 km and 6 meters 16 minutes drive

  • distance to Tehran Grand Bazaar : 862 km and 6 meters 17 minutes drive

  • distance to Milad Tower : 966 km and 10 meters 18 minutes drive

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