Tooba - Tehran

Tehran Tooba Boutique Hotel

No. 17, Naseri Lane, After Zafar, Valiasr St., Tehran, Iran ,

Tehran Tooba Boutique Hotel


The three-star Tooba boutique hotel is the one of the most beautiful and luxurious hotels in the Iranian capital Tehran with equipped apartments and suites providing a pleasant accommodation with the possibility of choosing embellishment things such as flowers and fruit.


The hotel includes roof top grill restaurant and roof top café with a nice view of the city and the Alborz mountain in a relaxing environment, serving a wide variety of Iranian and international foods and drinks. Conference hall, reception hall, sports complex, sauna and Jaccuzi are of the facilities of the hotel that along with sightseeing tours offer a memorable stay for guests.

Surrounding Attractions:

Located in a well-positioned place in the north of Tehran, the hotel has an easy access to the administrative and commercial centers.

1 users have given scores
Score 5 out of 5

Hotel Policy

Check-in From 14:00
Check-out Until 14:00
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Checking hotel booking date

Saturday , Jul 27 , 2024

Sunday , Jul 28 , 2024

1 Adult

Book now to get this fantastic rate. If you book later, there’s a chance the rate will go up or the hotel will be sold out.
Best Price Guarantee
1 Change room
Single Studio Suite
Max capacity :
1 person ، 1 extra beds

No price
Max capacity :
1 person ، 1 extra beds

No price
One-Bedroom Apartment
Max capacity :
1 person ، 1 extra beds

No price
Two-Bedroom Apartment
Max capacity :
4 person ، 1 extra beds

No price
Hotel Facility

Hotel Facility

Languages spoken
Free (Wireless Internet (Inside room, inside lobby
Parking (Capacity for 20 Cars)
Green Space
Laundry , Babysitting , Conference Hall , Reception Hall , Taxi Service
General Room
Refrigerator , Telephone , Tea Maker , Food Warming
Fitness Center , Massage , Sauna , Jacuzzi
Food & Drink
Restaurant , Minibar , Cafe
Safe , Elevator , Air Conditioning , Fire Alarm , Central Antenna
Similar Hotels
hotel distance to attractions
hotel distance to attractions
  • distance to Reza Abbasi Museum : 772 km and 6 meters 13 minutes drive

  • distance to Milad Tower : 557 km and 8 meters 16 minutes drive

  • distance to Abgineh Museum : 766 km and 10 meters 19 minutes drive

  • distance to Museum of Contemporary Arts : 279 km and 10 meters 20 minutes drive

  • distance to Carpet Museum of Iran : 792 km and 10 meters 20 minutes drive

  • distance to Saadabad Palace Complex : 845 km and 8 meters 21 minutes drive

  • distance to Golestan Palace : 906 km and 10 meters 23 minutes drive

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