Adib Al-Mamalek - Yazd

Yazd Adib Al-Mamalek Traditional Hotel

No.83, Labe Khandagh St., Ghiyam Ave., Yazd, Iran ,

Yazd Adib Al-Mamalek Traditional Hotel


Traveling to Yazd, the city of wind towers and staying in a hotel with a historical style can be exciting. The two-star Adib al-Mamalek traditional hotel which is situated in a cozy place in the historical texture of the city provides a good opportunity to experience a pleasant accommodation. The hotel was originally an old house dating back to Qajar era refurbished to fulfill the needs of large number of domestic and foreign travelers to Yazd.


The complex includes various rooms in unique styles such as two-door, three-door, and five-door with satisfying facilities. A splendid hall, a warehouse and a traditional bathroom are also the exciting sections of house.

Here, guests can taste a variety of Iranian and Yazdi foods and local drinks in the restaurant and café situated in the yard with a comfortable environment or get relaxed in sitting on the wooden benches and enjoy the architectural masterpiece.

Surrounding Attractions:

The hotel is a convenient place for tourists as it is both in the vicinity of airport, railway and passenger terminal and historical monuments including Jame mosque, Amir Chakhmaq complex, fire temple, water museum, six wind-tower cistern, Dolatabad garden, and Khan complex and bazaar, making visitors have long-lasting memories.

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Hotel Policy

Check-in From 14:00
Check-out Until 12:00
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Checking hotel booking date

Saturday , Jul 27 , 2024

Sunday , Jul 28 , 2024

1 Adult

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hotel distance to attractions
hotel distance to attractions
  • distance to Amir Chakhmaq Complex : 853 meters 11 minutes walking

  • distance to Dolatabad Garden : 846 km and 2 meters 7 minutes drive

  • distance to Yazd Fire Temple : 36 km and 3 meters 10 minutes drive

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